Goalkeeper Coach Tacoma
Stephen Swanger provides goalkeeper training in Tacoma each weekend for individual training and group training. Private sessions for tacoma are only $60.00 for an 1 hour and 15 minutes. Group …
Coaching The Goalkeeper’s Set Position: Challenge the keepers to reposition quickly after movements.
Other than having good eyes and hands, the set postion is most important component to catching. So, at my sessions we work a lot on getting the shape right (depending …
Fairo – What’s in the name is my mission: Carry the Fire
Upon separating from an international goalkeeping brand, quite abruptly, after a disagreement with the owner of that brand, getting cut off from access to my website, and seeing all the hard work that I did for them in building the brand in our area seemingly go to waste, I had to look inside for another way forward. I am resilient, and with the respect that I had gained in our area, and hard work, I knew that I could overcome the obstacle and move forward successfully with a new brand, and FAIRO was born.
What is the ideal Soccer player for you?
In the TOVO course with Todd Beane I have been asked to indentify 7 – 10 traits of what the ideal soccer player is. Here is what I listed in …
Why do kids play sports? “Because it is fun”
I am currently taking a TOVO cours by Todd Beane https://tovoacademy.com/ and he shared this video of John O’Sullivan and one part particularly pulled my heart string. Michigan State ran …