I am currently taking a TOVO cours by Todd Beane https://tovoacademy.com/ and he shared this video of John O’Sullivan and one part particularly pulled my heart string.
Michigan State ran a study of about 30,000 kids and asked the question, “Why do you play sports?” and the overwhelming answer was, “Because it is fun.” Today I’m making a promise to do my best to insure that the children I coach have fun.
Now, this brings up another thing for me, I ran into someone last night who is skeptical that I am starting a soccer club, and I want to make it perfectly clear that I AM NOT!
In fact, I want more kids to join the local leagues! So, this Fall I am going to begin FREE soccer training for children 8-10 years old. I do not care what club they come from, where they want to go or if they are competive or not. Just have fun and stay in the game.